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Product Demand-
Beginners Guide

By:  Shreya Parmar    

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Thinking about opening a new business? Start with Product Demand Research

When you are planning for your own business no doubt you are going to be the boss of everybody. But being a boss, you still have to follow some people named “Customers”. Strange right! But true, Customers are the God when you are planning for a new business. A business is like opening an organization or enterprising entity which is going to engage in commercial, industrial, or professional activities with customers. For this to be successful, first of all you need to know what the demand of the product in customers’ section is. And if you want to know the secret in choosing the right product, the secret lies with product demand search. As in today’s hyper competitive world of business, the business that best understands their customer is the one who wins. I would say everything is marketing and marketing is everything.

Establishing a business is like fishing in a pond with tons of fish. And by following simple techniques of product demand research, you will end up with a million dollar business. This article will be helpful to those who are in the starting phase of establishing a business or who are currently researching product demand. There are millions of products out there in the world, by which customers are quite satisfied. You need to do something out of the box. And also during product demand research, you will notice one thing: the market is super-duper saturated and also there is no more demand out there, there are no more opportunities out there, and most likely we are going to fail in our product demand research and hence fail in your business.

Product demand research is important because, we might rather drink from a fire hose than just tons of traffic coming your way and all you need to do is find out a little bit for yourself; and in that way you are going to be able to fill the successful business. As nobody wants to be in a pond with no fish at all. It won’t matter what kind of bait you put in or what kind of rod you put in or how expensive that rod is, you are not going to fetch any fish. Hence Holy Grail and choosing the right product is product demand.

Person working on a laptop doing product demand research.

What is product demand research?

Well I know this is not one of the sexiest topics from the world of marketing and also in keyword analysis, but the word research in “Product demand research” itself automatically makes the whole keyword product demand research a demanding topic and also less boring. After all, we have to fish in a pond full of thousands of fishes.
The true power of really understanding the customers lies in their needs, their wants and their goals and everything. Hence, when you are researching product demand; you are just making sure that people out there are willing to spend their hard-earned money to buy what you are going to sell. By product demand you are just ensuring yourself that there are these many people and those kinds of people are looking out in the market to purchase it.

Product demand increases, Supply decreases and price rises statistical figure
Figure – demand increases – supply decreases and price rises

A little bit diverting towards economics; we know that as the product demand increases, so does price increases due to high interests. And the reverse, when product demand decreases, the prices will go down and output will be to more purchases for that particular product. This is what we call a demand-supply chain. There are various factors associated with demand-supply chains, but after all we can determine this by observing how willing our consumers are to spend their penny on our product. That is quite obvious; nobody wants to firstly begin trying to sell something and as time passes the only thing you are left with is to realize that there is not an existing market for our product. Hence it is advisable to do proper product demand research before establishing a business.

Girl looking at desktop with graphs depicting calculation of product demand.

Benefits of calculating product demand-

Measuring product demand is a way more than just a calculation of confirming people who would be interested in your product.

As the world is changing at a very high pace, consumption is deeply involved. New profiles of consumers appear every day which invents new behaviors and new values. And your aim is to keep up with this customer evolution one should be reactive, have strong connections, and also have emotional relationships with consumers so that they will engage. This is where we need to calculate product demand, which is nothing more than a litmus paper test. You just check whether or not your product or service or idea or maybe concept will satisfy the needs of customers with the help of effective product demand research.

With the help of this, you will get aware about economic shifts, demographics of your target markets, insights about your competitors, current market trends and lastly spending traits of your customers.

Data is the fundamental block of any market research project, hence essential in product demand too. Good quality data can help a business determine their target customers which also helps company’s spending and marketing with maximum effectiveness. It can give you insights regarding the evolution of your target market and how you need to evolve with them. It will also give you insights about lineation with the correct target market.

So in the world, the one "Survival of the fittest" is the mantra which is given by Herbert Spencer product demand research will play a crucial role. Product demand search will help improve a company's efficiency, spur innovation, grow your brand and identify problems in your brand. A bit heartbreaking but the truth is, your idea probably isn’t always perfect.

Product demand can be determined by various factors which include some questions like how many people are actively searching for a product like yours, how much they’re willing to pay for it, and how much of your product is available to consumers, both regarding your company and any competitors.

People working on tools for product demand research

Tools for measuring product demand

In the market, there are many tools available for Keyword research and Data analysis . Tools make things a bit easy because they automate our task. That is the reason why Marketing automation is in craze. So in product demand search, it is totally possible to go with in person interactions which will help you provide valuable information, given the current global situation. But the data will be more accurate if you use some tools. Using tools in product demand research will be more efficient and tech savvy. There are basically two main sides of the coin here for determining product demand:

1. SEO tools:
There are tons of free SEO tools available right now as we have seen in the Keyword research tools blog . These tools provide every single information one needs like you can look for search volumes , keyword suggestions, even what is the estimated organic traffic for all ranked pages. And also one needs to focus on using 3 types of metrics one should look out for product demand:
– Long Tail Keywords that comprise three or more words with a longer word count
– High Search Volume by which one will better understand the search intent of the product demand users
– Low Competition which implies that it is simpler to rank for these keywords and less expensive to buy advertisements dependent on these catchphrases.

I would say Google is not only our friend; it’s more like an advisor. Google is the best search engine right now. Tons of people every day generate thousands and lakhs of useful data by which only Google can help us out because Google knows everything about Google search . The two main tools are:
a) Google keyword planner- Check the search volumes of the keywords you think would be most associated with the product you’re considering selling.

b) Google trends- Gives insights regarding search history of certain keywords and search terms. Google trends also gives you the option to filter by time period, country, and even city, letting you be extremely specific with your brand insights into where you should focus marketing efforts should you decide to move forward.

2. Ecommerce sites:
Amazon, one of the biggest ecommerce sites in the market. Amazon sorts every product in their database that has made at least one sale with its Best seller ranking hierarchy which is quite the best way to observe product demand. All you need to do is select your marketplace and category, plugin the BSR from the extension, and voila! You now have a head start on your competition and at last a better idea of product demand.

3. Social Media:
In this addictive world, social media has great interactive users with huge networks. Social media can help us by providing a wealth of data for reaching our product demand and also which we can utilize on products and brands. It even allows us to filter conversations, target specific geographic locations, and pull summarized reports to be used in combination with other data sets. You can search for trending hashtags which in turn will connect you with people with the same interests. Which in turn will help you to determine whether they are your competitors or potential customers.

Twitter- Twitter is no doubt a social media platform but it is designed for marketing purposes only. It generates very useful information with the help of tweets. And also the best social media platform for the data and information one needs for product demand research.

Girl walking up the steps towards product demand research.

Steps of product demand research-

Research actually means that you are looking out for something. Like every research, product demand also follows a simple old strategy. We started with choosing our niche, which is what we are researching about. Secondly we have gone through various tools which are sources of our research for product demand. And the thing which is left is the methodology. Methodology of product demand or I would probably say not only product demand but any research follows simple steps:

1. Study
2. Experimentation
3. Observation
4. Measurement

Study written with a girl working on a laptop depicting product demand research.

1. The Study of product demand research

Social media networks are also excellent places to post surveys about products, industries and services you may be able to offer. This allows you to find out what route is the best one to take based upon public feedback. The greater scope you can create, the better the market research will be.

Experiment written with illustration of a sale in website depicting product demand research.

2. The Experimentation for product demand research:

Planning, building and executing experiments is time consuming and expensive. Start with offering a new product at a discounted price for a limited time to determine the overall product demand for it as well as the feedback you can receive from those who buy it. Well this will require a lot of customer interaction and a commitment to tracking results over time.

Observation written with people observing social media depicting product demand research.

3. Final Observations of product demand research:

Observing both in the physical and the digital world will help inform product demand. Observing trending topics and products on sites like Twitter and Pinterest can provide insight into almost every industry. By combining all of these approaches together, while incorporating technology at every opportunity, you can help find and forecast the proper product demand analysis you need to make key decisions regarding your eCommerce operations.

Measurement written with a computer screen with graphs depicting product demand research.

4. Start Measuring or calculating the product demand -

◉ Lookout for past records because one of the best indicators of current demand is related to the past demand. Look at the records of past sales and come up with some factors affecting the sales, whether it is because of seasonal change or is there any other reason. Sum up the total units sold over the past year and pay attention to factors by which there is a dip in the amount of product sold. Tiny difficulty with this method is, it doesn't tell us for changes in the marketplace, competitors' products or a change in your marketing strategy.

◉ Observe the search trends related to your product. You can use Google keyword tools and Google trends for ease. Google always tells us how many monthly searches are performed for various related keywords you will enter. Do a search for a product idea and then view the search volume for that keyword throughout the past few years.

◉ Identify your competitors and some information regarding do your competitors have a strong social media following or not; are you able to find many reviews of your competitors' products online; how long have your competitors been in business- are they early or they are from very much beginning etc.

◉ Use a competitor's sales data. This is useful for small businesses that plan to roll out a competitive pricing strategy for a similar product or for those releasing a new product that they have not yet experienced selling.

◉ Perform a test Google Adwords campaign. Here, you can use Google Adwords to run PPC ads and send traffic to your sales page. Rather than actually collecting payments, however, when someone tries to buy the product you can simply collect their email address instead. By this you will get an idea of the percentage of people that visited your sales page who would likely purchase the product if you were actually selling it.

◉ Estimate sales on recent performance. This is helpful for new products that do not yet have a history. When a product first comes out, chances are if the marketing efforts are working, it will sell well. This will gradually begin to taper off as the newness of the product wears off. Pay attention to declining sales numbers and adjust your inventory expectations accordingly.

◉ Another thing you can do is you can take pre orders for your product. By taking pre-orders, you can set up a website and drive traffic to it to test the viability of a product before you ever spend a dime on the manufacturing. This step is not just an expectation, it's more like demonstrating your demand.

◉ Lastly you can personally look for online forums and other services where your potential customers might hang out and discuss problems and solutions related to what you’re doing. This type of research will give you some small indicator of the scale of your potential audience as well. The data is just an approximation of your potential market, but it’ll tell you at least if there are just hundreds or perhaps thousands of potential customers out there.

After Product demand research-

You should look out for factors affecting your product demand. Few of them are:
1. Composition and size of population
2. Customer's taste or preference
3. Price of other related products
4. Income of customer
5. Government policy
6. Price of commodity

Now it’s time to change your product idea to hard money. When wrapping up the results of researching trending products to sell after watching product demand, keep these five characteristics in focus:
◉ The product should be unique.
◉ It should offer a healthy markup.
◉ It shouldn’t be available in brick and mortar stores.
◉ It should be difficult to find anywhere else.
◉ It should have a value – usefulness.

Tiny Mantra for a moneyfull business by following product demand strategies:     Low competition + High Demand = High Success.

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