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Marketing Automation

By:  Shreya Parmar    

Marketing Automation with Advanced Analytics featured image

Marketing automation with advanced analytics

A need for technology, which can fulfill your unique needs. Not everybody in this world has the same business or work for living right! So the solution should be based on your unique needs and goals and pay for themselves quickly due to lower operating costs, reduced lead times, increased output and more. Marketing Automation is the solution that provides the advantages of improving productivity and quality while reducing errors and waste, increasing safety, and adding flexibility to any process whether it's marketing or manufacturing.

Now for marketing, Automation can expand your marketing reach without increasing staff size by offloading marketing activities. For example-

Campaign design, formation and Governance : With automation one will be able to design and create campaigns speedily and easily. But one advantage here is, automation helps you to create many more campaigns than we could earlier; one must be ready with another automated way to manage and test them effectively, whether you are doing it with simple email campaigns or complex multi-channel, multimedia projects.

Campaign Customisation and reuse : Now Marketing automation is the solution which approaches modular design, that affords our ability to reuse campaign activities and update them quickly and easily.

Model-based marketing : This consists of our ways to attain huge response rates and enhance campaign targeting by developing improved models using advanced analytics that must determine ideal product mixes, best offers and most certainly more effective communication with your customers and clients. Because they are the one who plays the biggest role.

So in one way or other analytics helps you to achieve your goals of marketing automation strategy. Marketing automation analytics helps marketers measure the success of their campaigns. It is also the process of taking data gathered from leads and displaying notable trends in the information. These patterns and trends can then help marketers fix areas of their campaigns that aren’t working and discover new strategies to use later. Data analytics are a common feature of marketing automation software, and most tools support several types of analytics, from web to social and digital content. These analytics data can be found in the Google Analytics dashboard.

Let's take some look at the ways in which advanced analytics helps us in our marketing automation tools.

So there are several ways by which you can gain insights of your company with the help of analytics. Why are these insights important? Do they help us in anything? Knowing these insights and how to act on them effectively ensures that you get the most out of your marketing campaigns.

Lead scoring

Illustration of 3 people indicating leads for marketing automation and analytics.

One of the most important ways analytics can help your business is via lead scoring. This is the process of automatically ranking leads based on information gathered about them. Marketing automation software will tell you which leads are the best to go after and in which order they should be tackled, as well as discard ones that aren’t worth your effort.

The scores are weighed against the lead’s buying stage, their company and position, location, and the places they visit online. You can set up a grading system that adds points to leads based on those parameters – for example, a lead who’s the VP of a company and who you know is looking for a product like yours will be given more points than an independent lead who is only moderately curious about it. The program will score the leads automatically, then order them from best to worst.

Transactional Analytics

Illustration of a graph showing Transactional Analytics indicating marketing automation with advanced analytics.

Marketing Automation system allows to fully automate and personalize marketing and sales communication. Advanced analytics calculates key evaluation parameters for every email campaign and every set rule. That includes:
Value of transactions: total value of all transactions made by customers as a result of given action.
Amount: minimal, average and maximum value of purchases – basic statistics showing amount and value of generated conversions.
Conversion achieved with our mailing: it calculates the percentage of people who clicked the link, went to the website and made a purchase.

Transactional analytics measures also efficiency of automation rules and email marketing.Segmentation of customers based on purchasing history allows them to plan efficient campaigns like win back, cross-selling, upselling, and adjust content (email, recommendations on the website, RTB campaigns) perfectly to customers.

Thus the Marketing Automation system automatically creates groups of customers who buy similar products and allows them to run campaigns on products complementary to one that customer just bought. Additionally we gain information about which products, sales channels and localizations are most efficient.

Data Driven Marketing

Illustration of a person standing around and showing graphs and pie charts indicating Data Driven marketing automation.

Today's Marketers need Data to make the best decisions to improve their value. But in some organizations Data is either too difficult to get to i.e "not accessible", and not to track correctly for an afterthought which is "non trackable". Yaa for sure, it is not sexy as campaigns or creating new content but buried deep within some marketing departments is a wealth of information just waiting to be unlocked. Not everybody has any kind of right processes or tools in place and are missing out on the chance to capture key insights. But knowledge is power, and that's why the concept of Data-Driven Marketing is a hot topic.

Marketers that want to earn a seat at the executive table, have changed the conversation by analysing and sharing actionable insights. You've got to have visibility into what's working, what's not and how much it costs for the results achieved by tracking key metrics and understanding how each program drives leads and conversions. You can make smarter decisions and report with the help of Advanced analytics. Advanced analytics will help you to empower all marketers to make informed decisions, identify new opportunities and confidently put winning marketing campaigns into actions.

Predictive analytics

Illustration of a person standing and drawing graph on a board showing Predictive analytics in marketing automation.

We have seen this earlier in “Technologies for Game of Data and it’s Analysis” blog that one of the chief tools for firms to avoid risks in decision making, predictive analytics can help businesses for lowering the threats. Predictive analytics hardware and software solutions can be used for finding, evaluating and at last deployment of predictive scenarios by processing big data analysis.

Analytics don’t just measure the success of your past and current marketing campaigns; they can also help you in determining possibilities for the future. Predictive analytics uses data gathered from the past and present of various sources to predict opportunities and dangers that you might be faced with in the future. You can then create a course for future marketing campaigns based on the outcomes your software predicts.

There are several applications for predictive analysis in marketing, including higher quality leads and a higher return-on-investment rate. Marketing automation tools use techniques like data mining, machine learning and pattern recognition to create predictive models. They are not designed to make any decisions regarding these predictions for your future campaigns – those should be determined by your marketing team. If your marketing automation tool uses predictive analytics, it can show you signs of trouble and opportunity so you can take any action you desire.

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