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Google Trends-
Marvelous tool for SEO

By:  Shreya Parmar    

Google trends featured image.

Google Trends: One of the Marvelous tools of SEO

In this world, I guess one trend is observed in each and every field. The best example that follows trends is fashion. Fashion changes with decades; with different seasons and also as per festive demands. The keyword industry also follows a trend. People search different terms at different times. When you search a query in Google it is defined as Google search . Google saves every movement of searches which consists of search volume and interests related to search queries of users by their product Google Trends.

Google Trends

Google launched Google trends in 2006; which means we are celebrating 15 years of Google Trends. The website - https://trends.google.com/trends/ analyzes many things like popularity of Google top searches and that too across various parts of the world in different languages of the world. The whole website uses various charts which show interests of people in that particular search queries over a period of time.

We all have used many products of Google whether we are a digital marketer or a developer or a kid or a grown up man. Like Google ads for marketing guys and Google clouds for developers. “Google trends” is that product which is even used for Keyword research for content creators as well for developers especially for coders as a form of python API named pytrends. Here, in this blog we are talking about how we can use Google trends for Keyword research, SEO and content ideas.

A Guy looking at google trends.

How to make a total use of Google Trends

This part will follow every step by step explanation for using every single feature that Google trends provide.
1. You can explore Google Trends data using the free Trends Explore tool. The data is grouped into topics to give you the fullest picture of what people are searching for. You can also query individual search terms.
2. To get a better understanding of the difference between varying topics you can add + Comparison. You can do this for five different keywords.
3. When you search for a topic on Trends Explore, you’ll see a graph showing its popularity over time. Being able to read this graph is the first step to understanding the numbers behind Google Trends.
4. The values on the graph do not represent absolute search volume. Instead they are normalized, then indexed on a scale from 1-100.
5. Explore tools gives you four properties which consist of location, time period, the category of term, and lastly what kind of search result do we want.
6. Top and rising search topics and queries make up the final key element of the Google Trends Explore tool. These are the queries or topics with the highest search volume in the selected time frame and location.
7. Google Trends excludes certain data from your searches.
  ◉ Searches made by very few people
  ◉ Duplicate searches
  ◉ Special characters

How search trends works in Google trends

Google trends is a tool in which you can find data of any search that happened in the past. Search trends change with time, like say people are looking for more winter clothes around Christmas and people start looking for their favorite movies when something is announced. If I talk about Marvel comic universes the most blockbuster movie “Black Panther”; everyone was looking for the keyword black panther. We can observe this by Google trends results for the same.

Google trends results (Black panther) screen.

Popularity of keywords changes with respect to time. Ever observed how Ed Sheeran releases a song and it starts trending at position 1 in YouTube videos, and how Marvel studios announces a super hit Spiderman Movie and the views hit Millions in hours. And also one time comes when people stop looking for that particular keyword. Maybe after a month; a very few people will look for that particular Spiderman movie. This is how a search trend comes to an end, which we can see from our eyes with the help of Google trends.

I’ll show you this with the help of a very funny example. Google trends allow five comparisons at a time. And the visualization is done so well using different colors for different search terms that you will be able to see and differentiate how interests of people change with time period and with the average of popularity. Here, I have taken five of the most famous superheroes of MCU fans.

Google trends results superhero comparison screen.

Also, you can perform the same thing with your different niche topics and observe a trend when you are at a stage of “Product demand research”. You can enter different keywords related to your niche in Google trends and observe the trend with time and location.

How location plays an important role in Google trends?

Google’s main motto is to make search easy for us day by day. It actually performs a lot of stuff every day in it’s own Google algorithm to make itself smarter and wiser. Say Google gives your search results without using location. Imagine yourself in Mumbai ordering a sandwich and Google gives you the location of Subway, USA. So, you are going to wait until your sandwich gets delivered? Not possible…

Hence location plays a great role in Google search. So that when you are looking for an ATM near you when you run out of cash and also nearest petrol pump if you ever ran out of petrol it will try to give you the nearest location possible.

Even location plays an important role in Google trends. Google trends has one of the keen property of location which is quite important

– When one is looking for a location to establish their company. Like say one will choose an area like Pune or Bangalore for establishing an IT business.
– When you want to attract and retain the best employees. If one has business for crops and fields one will rather choose Punjab and Gujarat rather than Rajasthan.
– When the business is based on customers. Like if you are planning to set up a Diwali store then you should choose any location of India rather than USA because your customers are going to be in more quantity if you choose any part of India.

Well normally if you open the homepage of Google trends, it will show results based on your location only.

Google trends location wise results screen.

And not only Google trends, but every Google product determines one’s location in three ways.
  1. The IP address of our devices
  2. The location that you have in your mobile settings and of course from our past search history
  3. Via GPS; the most precise result based on the accurate location

Google trends allow you to change location when you enter a search term. Also, you can change this location and make it worldwide so that it will show worldwide results for your search term.
Besides line graphs, Google trends also gives you map results based on people’s interest in different parts of the country. One can also change the results based on city wise interest rather than sub regions to work on more precise locations.

Google trends location state wise results screen.

Hence, many of us keep a close eye on where they're based in terms of location; mainly to optimize work-life balance. Good location decisions can significantly boost a company's long-term performance.

How Google trends is used for marketing

If you are tired of getting new content ideas Google Trends is the free and best tool one should look for if they are concerned with what people are searching. You see, trending is the name of the game man. Google is a significant weapon in most marketers’ arsenal today. The platform offers tools, such as Google AdWords and Google Analytics , to help businesses carry out vital research into the target market, draw meaningful insights, and then use those to develop better strategies to achieve their marketing and, ultimately, their business objectives. In these big tools Google trends is more underrated in terms of marketing strategies.

The tool has tons of features that make it quite handy for digital marketing experts, SEO specialists, and even plain, old bloggers. For example, it compares the search volume of a designated keyword in a specific period with the total search volume in that area in the same period. And we all know what role search volume plays. Furthermore, you can download this data and further analyze it on other programs or run it with other data.

Any marketer or blogger you meet today has just one thing on their mind: trends. Which keywords and phrases are trending on Google? What content will trend with customers and visitors on social media? Well Google trends will give you the answers to all of your questions.

You can perform different tasks related to your marketing strategies with the help of Google trends-
– Developers for forecasting through pytrends
– Market research
– Seasonal trends
– Competitor analysis
– Product demand
– Keyword research
– Relevant queries

Top Searches of year 2020

Google trends top searches in 2020 screen.

Google trends has a column of “Year in search” which describes data of different queries searched in that year. So let’s discuss what Google trends says about the year 2020.
We all know and we have faced the pandemic situation. Google trends result that Year in search- 2020 was filled with question queries rather than single word query. COVID-19 has it’s impact on every single part of the world. There’s no such place where it did not affect human lives. The coronavirus made a sudden change, the change which nobody ever went through. And we as a human being want answers to the questions which arise in our mind. Google trends data states that “WHY” was the most searched keyword of all the time. Millions of queries were searched which started with the term “WHY” in 2020.
Google trends has a collection of top five queries in different sectors of the industry. Say top most searches; searches with the great people we lost; popular games and TV shows; popular news and top 5 recipes searched etc. I remember one from the popular recipe “Recipe of Dalgona Coffee”, it was quite fun though, everywhere everyone was making this coffee. Hahaha!
The most human trait is to find the answers to the question “Why …...... ?”. We all have been through this freaking year of our life that is 2020. Even Google trends describe this year to be very popular in terms of searches. Even they found it difficult to answer our queries filled with doubts. Some searches were filled with excitement, some searches brought sadness, some of the queries inspired joy, some were topped with tears. The Coronavirus crises changed our lives. Let’s just hope this ends. And until one gets every answer to their question, people will still search. Hence search is not going to end at all.

Applications of Google trends

Attractiveness of this tool is its visualization and the code snippet which lets you copy and use that data more effectively. Hence the uses of Google trends lies in the big areas like:

  – Forecasting
  – Stock market analysis
  – Market strategies
  – Developers
  – Content ideas

Whether you are looking to increase traffic on your blog or attract more customers, Google Trends is one tool that can prove quite helpful. It is entirely free and straightforward to use, so even beginners in the digital marketing and SEO field can leverage it for their business objectives.

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