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Google Search-
Everything to know about

By:  Shreya Parmar    

Google Search Statistics Featured Image

Statistic Decoration of Google Search

You, as a normal human being on planet earth, always search something on Google with some intent and some interest. He who does not Google, is probably asleep. Google search statistics consists of awesome and legendary facts which will wake you up.

When you perform a Google Search or you search something on any other search engine, there is always one perspective behind it. Like guessing you are looking for a laptop on Google; your intent is to find a laptop. But your interest might differ. Your interest might be in the laptop of X company and with Y different features. We know that the mind is made up with two sections: Conscious mind, and unconscious mind.

“The conscious mind determines the actions, the unconscious mind determines the reactions; and the reactions are just as important as the actions.” – E. Stanley Jones

Google Search Conscious mind(1%) vs Unconscious mind(99%) pie chart.

The data you search counts as your Intent, which is from your conscious mind. This data is collected from the search queries of consumers and drawn from tools like Google Trends. But this data is still incomplete. It’s only hitting into the conscious mind of our consumers which is identifying what they had intent for. The lost information can be fetched by the unconscious mind. Content consumption data focuses on the interest of the consumer.

Good news is that Google has data of each and every kind from each and every person and of each and every second. Everyday billions of people come to Google with questions about all kinds of things from a muffin recipe to sports shoes. The word Google means: The term Google itself is a creative spelling of googol, a number equal to 10 to the 100th power, or more colloquially, an unfathomable number. Given fact resembles perfectly with the given definition.

Interesting fact: Google now processes over 2 trillion search queries per year, or 5.5 billion per day.

That’s a whole lot of keywords! And to handle such a huge amount of data, we have already learned that in our subject called Statistics (the less scoring subject): the science of collecting and studying these numbers. Well I will bet studying statistics from Google search will be much more interesting than the statistics which we have studied in our childhood.

How does Google search work?

Many search engines have tried to beat Google search with their own searches. But because of this much popularity, I personally do not believe Google search will ever die. Google always tries to make their search results better by their Google algorithm .

There are books written on every topic with thousands of pages but we are looking for information which is more precise. Your intent behind your search helps Google to rank pages in Google search. Google search results are based on keyword relevancy , the place of the keywords like title tag or meta tag, backlinks, popularity, location from which the query was asked, search volume and also if your content is new.

Google actually maps billions of pages to give you proper results, hence search engine optimization and content optimization plays a crucial role. The steps which Google search follows are:

 ♦ Firstly Google finds out what we are looking for; it also examines spelling mistakes and proper usage of words which we won’t even know.
 ♦ Then it sifts through various possible matches of your query and automatically assembles a page which is trying to put the most relevant information on their site.
 ♦ And finally shows results based on the above mentioned factors about Google search.

Why are we concerned with statistics of Google search anyway?

Google is the world’s largest search engine, and it has over 1 billion people who use its products and services. It accounts for a whopping 76% of global internet searches compared to other search engines. Google dominates the field of search engines with more than a 90% market portion.

In 2021, Google’s global market share was more than 90% depending on the source. 91.86% to be exact. It changes from time to time.


Google's global market share in 2021 (more than 90%) compared to other search engines graphical representation

You can see from the given chart that the other search engine only consists of the remaining less than 10% of the chart. We can say the second most popular search engine on the market is Bing with 2.34% and other companies have even smaller percentages: Yahoo 1.47%, Baidu 1.48%, Yandex 1.38%, and DuckDuckGo 0.6%. There has not been a single second till now that Google did not have about 40,000 search queries to process. Read again, I said “A single second”.

 ♦ Google has over 3.5 billion searches per day.
 ♦ Google has 4.3 billion users worldwide.

At the beginning, Google has been continuously mapping the web, hundreds of billion pages. The reason behind this was to create something called an index. Think of it in this way: A giant library, Google has to look through whenever we Google search things. Say you want to search for the recipe for cake because it’s your wife’s birthday and you want to surprise her with an amazing hand-made cake. So when you are in a hurry and that too for your wife (because you already know what is going to be the result if she finds out no surprises), randomly clicking through millions of links is no fun; rather it is an invitation to…… This is where Google’s ranking algorithm comes into play. So indexing things play a very important to display precise information in front of customer who did the Google search, which lands us to another fact:

 ♦ The size of the Google Search Index is huge – more than 100,000,000 GB. The size may seem shocking, but Google’s website crawlers have indexed hundreds of billions of web pages.
 ♦ There is an assumption that 30% of the pages Google discovers are spam.

Why do people do Google Search?

Before doing or performing any stuff, a person wants to search before they splurge. Google search plays different roles for different people; hence Google search statistics differs with change in people. The newly married wife in India would be looking for how to impress mother-in-law and maybe in other parts of the world there might be some other search. At the time of examination every student might be searching Google to get their doubts solved. And lastly if it’s time for some worldwide sports event everybody might be searching for scores of that sport. Whether it's to get excited, build confidence, or manage their money, people are using search to shape and validate the decisions they make which leads us to another Google search statistic:

  ♦ The size of the Google Search Index is huge – more than 100,000,000 GB. The size may seem shocking, but Google’s website crawlers have indexed hundreds of billions of web pages.
 ♦ Every year, somewhere between 16% and 20% of Google searches are new—they’ve never been searched before.
 ♦ Around 7.2 percent of this traffic comes from people Googling the term “Google”. Funny Right!!!
Data changes, questions for Google search changes. And also there can be a change in the number of words used.
 ♦ In January 2021, in the US: 40% of online searches had 2 words and 22.74% of online searches had 3 words.
One thing that reminded me from the word question:
 ♦ Roughly 8% of Google search queries are questions.

Google search statistics for Mobile devices

We as a marketer know this thing very well how smartphones have changed the whole game. Many of you people would have seen this with their own eyes. I would rather say Mobile is not just a device anymore, it is mentality. It’s 2021 and years have passed since mobile took the place of desktop. 52% of global internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Today’s brands have to understand how to grow a business in the mobile-first era. The popularity of the desktop as a means of surfing the web is decreasing. Though for that amount of laptop, 90% of searches are done via Google only. You will get more shocked when you’ll see the statistics of Google search for mobile devices.

Pie chart representation of google search in mobiles(52%), tablets(2.5%) and desktops(45.5%).

 ♦ 60% of Google searches are done via mobile devices. Only 5 years ago, the figure was nearly half that—34%.
That is almost double from what it was 5 years back.
 ♦ Mobile users’ interest in “Places that are currently open” has tripled since 2015.
Let’s assume from the above data that people in the whole world are becoming a little busy freak hahaha.., which makes them search for places that are currently open

Where to find these statistics from Google search?

Now that we know the amount of data Google has, there must be some way to view or use that specific statistics for our own self. Google trends provides you the history and geography of whichever keywords that you want; with different visualizations and tons of information. Marketers can understand the unexpected ways people are searching, to get their brand into the front in consideration queue.

 ♦ Since the site handles billions of Google searches per day, it is easier to sample data and find insights that can be taken away regarding certain Google searches.

Hence Google search is going to be with us in each and every step whenever in trouble just like a soul mate. And we as people will never stop using Google search for learning, exploring and improving our knowledge. So that finally we can blow out the flames of fire for curiosity. Whether it is something we’re stuck at or some new technology got launched we will search it on Google. Just a short and simple way to end the chase of doubts in our head.

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