

Shreya Parmar  Sept. 30, 2021 Data Analysis

Technologies for Game of Data and it’s Analysis

Everybody is gabbling in Data Analysis, Big Data, and Google Analytics. Where is that all coming from? With Data, I would...

Shreya Parmar  Sept. 30, 2021 Google Algorithm

Google Algorithm – A Closed book

Ever happened, you are eagerly waiting for the thing that the director uploads in the next episode of your favorite series...

Shreya Parmar  Sept. 30, 2021 Google Analytics

Google Analytics: Crackerjack in the world of Analysis

Whenever someone thinks of the ocean, one would rather think of unearthing each and every thing that we wonder we can...

Shreya Parmar  Dec. 3, 2021 Keywords

Keyword Density-Beginners Guide

Understand the concept of keyword density. Know the meaning of keyword density, how to calculate it, history, importance,etc.

Shreya Parmar  Dec. 6, 2021 Google Analytics

Google Analytics 4 -Real Time Reports(GA4)

Discover quick insights and features about real-time reports in the new version of Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Learn more...

Shreya Parmar  Dec. 8, 2021 Google Analytics

Bounce Rate- Easy Peasy Ways to Dwindle

Bounce rate is the rate by which your customers bounce off your webpage. Learn everything about it and how to lower it in...

Shreya Parmar  Dec. 8, 2021 Digital Marketing

Must Have Digital Marketing Tools in 2021

Find out more about Digital Marketing and the tools necessary for Digital marketing. The best tools available, paid or free..

Shreya Parmar  Jan. 9, 2022 Keywords

Google Search-Everything to know about

Find out about Google Search, its Statistics, and where to find these google statistics, and learn why people do google ...

Shreya Parmar  Jan. 6, 2022 Analytics

Google Search Console- Beginners Guide

Discover everything about Google Search Console. What is a Google search console, how to setup your account, make reports ...

Shreya Parmar  Jan. 10, 2022 Keywords

Google Trends-Marvelous tool for SEO

Discover everything about Google Trends. How it works,how to use it effectively. How it is used for marketing, applications..

Shreya Parmar  Jan. 14, 2022 Keywords

Keyword Research- Beginners Guide

Discover the meaning of keyword research, why keyword research is important and how to properly do keyword research....

Shreya Parmar  Jan. 20, 2022 Keywords

Keyword Research Tools- 7 Questions you need to know

Learn about keyword research tools, why do we need it, when should you use it, tools available in the market, where to find..

Shreya Parmar  Jan. 8, 2021 Analytics

Marketing Automation and Analytics

Find out everything about marketing automation, how advanced analytics help in marketing automation and much more..

Shreya Parmar  Feb. 6, 2022 SEO

Organic Search Results-Be Eco Friendly

Find out about Organic Search Results. Improve your rank in organic search results by following these interesting strategies.

Shreya Parmar  Jan. 12, 2022 Product Research

Product Demand- Beginners Guide

Learn everything about Product Demand and how to do product demand research, discover the Tools necessary for product demand.

Shreya Parmar  Jan. 19, 2022 SEO

Search Analysis-Analyze

Discover what is Search Analysis. Learn advantages, process of search analysis and tips for good results for your analysis...

Shreya Parmar  Jan. 23, 2022 SEO

Search Volume-More than just a Number

Discover the concept of search volume, understand its meaning, importance in SEO, how to calculate it and search volume .....

Shreya Parmar  Dec. 23, 2021 Analytics

Visitor Tracking- All you need to know

Learn what is visitor tracking, its meaning, importance and everything you need to know - Click now